Flexible operation is becoming more and more popular

Flexible working mode has been a major trend for years. Remote working is more convenient for employees. Working from home or on the move is made easier by communication innovations and advanced technology. It also ensures greater independence and involvement in various projects, as well as a sense of stability.

Working at specific hours and imposed standards is inevitable in places where there is a direct customer service (e.g. cashier, waiter, secretary). The team must be in tune and the staff changes must not interfere with each other, but must complement each other.

When the work of a team is based on specific tasks and projects, then the most important is the final result, which depends on the personal skills of each employee. It does not matter where the employee works, at what time, how often he breaks and whether he makes up for his overtime.

Flexible working hours have their advantages and disadvantages. Employers cannot then control their employees. Remote workers should be very disciplined and entrepreneurial. They are responsible for the organisation of the project. Not everyone can work this way because they need imposed frameworks and schemes. Too much freedom is a hindrance to them, not a facilitation of their work.

Depending on his or her personality and ability, the employee may abuse his or her freedom and disregard work. There may also be situations where he or she applies for more privileges. The same can apply to strong individuals who dominate their superiors and impose their own rules.

This mode of work should be reserved not only for one employee, but also for a specific group of people. The general working atmosphere is also important, because if it is tense and has strict rules, then the efficiency of the work is less satisfactory.

If the employer decides to opt for such a system of work, he must specify the specific tasks and the time of their completion. He should be in contact with the project managers, who will systematically supervise and evaluate the work of their subordinate team.

It is also important to have a good attitude towards the individual employee. Ambitious employees want to be treated as parallel partners and to develop their strengths. Controlling and managing them adversely affects their self-awareness and can be counterproductive.

Every company should be forgiving its employees, because then they are more involved in the work and can even devote more time to it. In addition, employees treated on an "equal level" will feel more connected with the boss and the company.

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